There are many great, and not so great, poems about getting older. From the timeless classic There Was An Old Woman, to the epic Ulysses, poets throughout the ages have given us their unique views on aging. (If you have not recited the Mother Goose poem lately, may I refresh your memory? Apparently, she did “know what to do” with her many children which was to “whip them all soundly and put them to bed.” Yikes!)
My personal favorite is T.S. Eliot’s, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. It’s fascinating to see how Prufrock, or, J.A.
P-Rock as he is known by the hip-hop crowd, is able to pass through so many of
the perils and pitfalls of going gray.
At the same time, there is a hint of expectation and perhaps even
fascination with the process. Hard to
not feel for J.A. when he frets, “And indeed there will be time To wonder, “Do
I dare?” and, “Do I dare?” Time to turn back and descend the stair, With a bald
spot in the middle of my hair.” Who
among us has not played the Fool and felt “Politic, cautious, and meticulous?”
What I love most about this particular poem is how it pushes
the level of introspection to the point of absurdity. “Disturb the universe,”
really? Chill out Alfie! Why the heaviness? Who cares if the sea girls
aren’t singing to you? Slow down and eat
that peach!
What if this was not the case? What if our societal Zeitgeist about aging
was not the “dying of the light,” to quote Dylan Thomas, but, as the poet Tagore
suggests, “the putting out of a lamp because the dawn has come.”? What types of poems would result from viewing
turning gray in the same manner we view the turning of the seasons? Equally important, what if we could drop some of
the neurotic tensions that often accompany us as we grow older and replace them with neurotic musings. Well, it might go
something like this:
Ode to Old
The hands of time turning
Waving goodbye Or applauding
The clock of life unwinding
Past and future tense dissolving
Present tense evolving
Delicate not brittle
Simplified not simple
The spice of life
Mindful and well-reasoned
Wonderfully wandering
Whimsically pondering
The hands of the timeless
Waving goodbye
Or applauding?
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